2016 Local Rules Updates


As the Sports Committee was advised last year, the updated local rules have been posted.  Please pay close attention to Rule (1).  After review under USGA Rules, the committee has determined that we need to stop the long held practice of fixing spike marks in the line of your putt. Due to this practice being allowed for so long, we will not enforce any penalties this year, so we all have a year to get used to this new rule.

Click here to download a copy of these rules


(1) Repairing spike marks in your line of play on the green is no longer allowed.  For year 2016 there is no penalty for breach of this rule.

(2) Practicing on the course prior to any stroke play event, other than Men’s Night, is subject to disqualification by decision of the committee.  This includes all qualifying rounds for tournaments.

(3) Embedded ball rule in effect “through the green”.

(4) Paving or crushed stone must designate a cart path qualifying for relief under Rule 24-2b.  Worn areas on the sides, extensions or created by use of a cart path are ground under repair with relief under Rule 25.

(5) Except as provided in rule 4 above, white lines mark ground under repair. 

(6) Stones in bunkers may be removed without penalty. 

(7) Birdhouses, drainage pipes, traffic lights and buttons are immovable obstructions with relief from stance and swing, plus one club length no closer to the hole.

(8) Out of bounds marked by white stakes (Holes 1, 4, 6, & 12) and a fence on #5. Also, when the ball comes to rest in the parking area or circle.  Note: on #5, to left of the green, out of bounds is the pavement as marked.  Stroke and distance penalty.  Player must replay from previous spot.

(9) Two club lengths relief from fences at No.1 and 9 tees without penalty.

(10) Electronic devices such as range finders are permissible.

(11) USGA rules govern play unless modified herein or by a local rule and is interpreted by the Tournament Committee.