2021 Women's Club Championship - Results

2021 Women's Championship, 1st winner Flight Liz Fothergil and Championship Flight winner JoJo Valente
Championship Flight:
Congratulations Jojo Valente Club Champion 2021! Jojo Valente defeated Kim Levins.
Kristin Johnson defeated Deidre Morris in the consolation round.
First Flight:
Liz Fothergill defeated Cheryl LeBlanc. Congratulations Liz Fothergill!
Pat Martin defeated Donna Dickson in the consolation round.
Congratulations to all the participants. This really is one of the best weekends of the year at PPCC!
A big thank you to all the participants! The days leading up to the tournament proved to be very complicated and taxing for the first flight participants. We appreciate all your flexibility, and understanding as we had to adjust brackets a few times due to circumstances beyond our control. We certainly welcome comments or suggestions for next years club championship.
Hole in One
Congratulations to Kim Levins for her Hole in One on #11 Sunday!!
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