2024 Greens Club Final Drawing - Winners!


Congratulations, and thank you to all that participated in this year's Greens Club!

294 Tickets were sold this year, allowing for $5000 to be returned in prizes, and $4880 to fund various projects around the golf course.

Look for a list of completed 2024 projects soon.

This Year's Winners!

$500  Norm Ladabouche

$500  Kevin Bronson

$250  Joan Eaton

$250  Steve Garrow

$250  Scott Brilyea

$250  Herb Johnson

$200  John Benoit

$200  Rob Beanland

$200  Kenny Keirstein

$200  Derrick Potter

$200  E. Robert Barody

$100  Pat Giddings

$100  Chris Keyser

$100  Ann Stein

$100  Don Tuttle

$100  Dave Young

$100  Pam Skillin

$150  Bill Beanland


Thank You!