Nine & Dine, Saturday, August 10th - Results
1st - $100 - Laderoute/Gatti/Johnson - 272nd - $75 - Candon/Fineberg/Thomas - 31 (Match of cards)
3rd - $50 - Levandowski/Lucci/Lemnotis - 31
Most Honest Team - $50 - Hayes/Chatfield/Raffle
Skins - $100 - 8th Hole (Eagle) - Levandowski/Lucci/Lemnotis
Thanks to all 15 teams that participated, including 28 non-member players, to the Redfield's staff for a great meal, and to Ryan Fuller for providing the evening's live music.
Next Nine & Dine is tentatively scheduled for early September, look for details in upcoming newsletters.
The last Nine & Dine will once again be combined with the year-end Greens Club Drawing, sometime in late September or early October, look for details in upcoming newsletters.
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