2023 Greens Club - Final Drawing Winners!
Congratulations to the winners!
$500.00 Norbert Rafter
$500.00 John Benoit
$250.00 Sarah Laderoute
$250.00 Penny Mihlrad
$250.00 Joe Walker
$250.00 George Smith
$200.00 Karen Dumas
$200.00 Rob Delbianco
$200.00 Bob McGowan
$200.00 Doug Brown
$200.00 Ryan Johnson
$150.00 Scott Brilyea
$150.00 Jesse Sheehan
$150.00 Cheryl LeBlanc
$150.00 Mike Charron
$150.00 Sue Notte
$100.00 Ray Cristelli
$100.00 Gordon Howland
$100.00 Bill Gormly
$100.00 Doug Brown
$100.00 Steve Wolfe
$100.00 Ann Fiske
$100.00 Rick Byers
$100.00 Bob Martel
$100.00 Pat Cuddy
$100.00 Mike McNulty
Thanks again for your support of the Greens Club!