2024 Women's Weekend Tournament Schedule & Information
Tournament Schedule
Friday-Sunday. Scores must be posted by 12 (Noon) Monday to be eligible to win.
5/10-12/ Week One: Regular Golf
5/17-19/ Week Two: “T’s and F’s: Score only holes starting with those letters: Holes:2,3,4,5,10,12,13,14,15. (½ Handicap) Gross/Net
5/24-26/ Week Three: Putts: Just keep track of your putts, low total wins
5/31-6/2/ Week Four: Regular Golf: Practice prior to Member-Member tournament
No Weekend tournament for the next two weeks due to in-house tournaments
6/21-23/ Week Five: “O-N-E-S” Score holes starting with those letters: Holes: 1,6,7,8,9,11,16,17,18. (1/2 Handicap) Gross/Net
6/28-30/ Week Six: Long/Short of It: Score 5 longest holes and 4 shortest holes. For red tees: Long holes: 4,5,10,12,16 and short holes are: 7,9,11,17. For yellow tees: Long holes: 2,4,10,12,16 and short holes are 7,9,11,17. (1/2 Handicap) Gross/Net
7/5-7/ Week Seven: Three Blind Mice: On Monday three will be randomly discarded from score. (80% Handicap) Gross/Net
7/12-14/ Week Eight: Regular Golf: Blind Draw Partner: Regular 18 holes, Full Handicap, Gross/Net. On Monday partners will be drawn randomly from all eligible players. So, get your scores posted!
No Weekend tournament due to Men’s Member/Guest
7/26-28/Week Nine: Regular Golf: Practice prior to Member/Guest Tournament
8/2-4/ Week Ten: *Regular Golf: Will depend if we get enough players due to M/G tournament.
8/9-11/ Week Eleven: Middle Holes: Score holes 6-14. (1/2 Handicap) Gross/Net
8/17-18/ Week Twelve: Tee to Green: Only score shots from tee off and till you are on the green. (80% Handicap) Gross/Net
8/24-26/Week Thirteen: Combined Tees: Play Red /Yellow Tees. FYI: yellow tee boxes are holes 4-5 on front and 13-16 on the back! Highlight them in yellow! Full Handicap Gross/Net
*We can play two extra weekends if you want: 9/6-8 and 9/20-22.
Last day to post ringers is 9/11- if you do not have a score on every hole you will be disqualified
Click here to download a copy of this schedule
Tournament Information
Cost: $25 for the season
This season players can play from the red tees or the yellow tees. Eligibility to play from the yellow tee box will be determined by your handicap index. An index of 34.9 or lower will play from the reds and an index of 35.0 and higher are eligible to play from the yellows. A minimum of 6 players will be required to run the tournament. All winners receive pro shop credits.
Any player that is eligible to play from the yellow tees may elect to play from the red tees if they so choose but only one round can be played per weekend and you must signify of the card that you played the from the red tees. Red tee players cannot play from yellow tees unless it is a specific game for that weekend.
Tournaments will run from Friday to Sunday and all scores must be posted to GHIN by Monday 12:00 P.M.
The weekend tournament will vary each weekend. A full list of the season’s games will be posted in the locker room. The specific game will be written on the sign-up sheet in the locker room as well as how to score the game.
The sports committee will enter your handicap based on the GHIN report each Friday.
Before Play:
You must be playing with at least one other member of the club
Sign up on the sign-up sheet in the locker room before play begins
Write your names, first initial and full last name. All players names and scores must be recorded on the card whether they are playing in the tournament or not.
Again, if you normally play from yellows and decided to play the red tees it must be written on your score card.
After Play:
Cards must be signed, dated and attested.
Post your scores on the scoresheet in the locker room and place score card in the tournament box.
If you did not complete your round, mark it with (NC) and place in the tournament box, you will be counted as a participant for the required number of players. However, a NC will eliminate you from counting that weekend toward “Weekend Warrior” points.