News From Ladies of PPCC - 6/1/23


Hello Ladies!!

What a great turn-out last evening.  There were 27 players and what beautiful weather!! 

Unfortunately one of our members  fell ill and was taken to RRMC by ambulance. Thank you to the members who assisted her. Today she was reported to be improving and feeling better.

Weekend Tournament Results 5/26 - 5/28 Game was "Aces Wild". There were 10 players:
    GROSS: 1)   Sarah Laderoute     87   $10
                   2)   Sue Melvin              91   $9

     NET:       1) Janice Garrow          64    $10
                    2) Maggie Rafter          68     $9

Weekend Tournaments

In the past few weeks, members have consistently not been placing a "T" next to their name on scorecards, when playing in weekend tournaments.  This has resulted in at least 2 - 3 people being disqualified every weekend.  The WSC has discussed this in great length and we have decided that the "T" will no longer be a requirement.  We want members to play and have fun.

 But, the requirements that will not change are: 
    1) First initial and Last name of all members playing must be on scorecard.
    2) Scorecard must be attested and dated
    3) Name and scores posted on sign-up sheet in locker room
    4) Score posted to GHIN by 12noon on the Monday following the weekend tournament.

President's Cup
  Correction....the July weekend was incorrectly listed as July 7 & 8. The weekend is July 8 & 9 and your score must be posted to GHIN system no later than 8:00AM on Monday July 10th.

    The sign up deadline for President's Cup will be  extended to Wednesday, June 7, 2023 as the May 24th Ladies Night was cancelled to due bad weather.

Please review the President's Cup information sheet for all requirements.  It can be found on the PPCC website or there are copies in the Women's Locker Room.

Any members playing in the Member-Member Tournament who have not paid the entry fee, if you can leave payment in the Pro Shop it will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Gina, Linda, and Pat.